After the movie we went and stopped at my little sisters new place and took Billy on a tour, since he has not been able to see it yet and see my cute little nieces. And to also pick up my shake from Iceberg. I had to drop it off there before the movies because I didn't want to waste it :) Here is a pic of me and my niece Alex eating it on the floor in my sisters kitchen

That evening, we went over to my Grandma Jenson's house for dinner. She started a new thing this year with having an Open House. I think it turned out very well.
Had to get close up pictures with my cute mom and dad
It was fun being up at my grandma's because she lives in Farmington up at Somerset so they all have their luminaries lit up and on the streets, very pretty.
We then headed over to my parents house to read out of the scriptures and sing Christmas hymns and talk about the real meaning of Christmas. We then ate dessert and my mom picked up a birthday cake for Jesus, it was cute.
We headed home and opened our one present to eachother which of course is PJ's!
I always get Billy Christmas pajamas but I saw these and HAD to get them, he was so excited!
We almost forgot to put out our stocking for Santa
Stayed up till late watching The Christmas Story and then off we went to bed for Santa to come!
Christmas Morning came so fast, I woke up and Billy was already downstairs watching The Christmas Story AGAIN.
He was so excited for his GPS system! Where ever we went all day, we had to put their addresses in it so it could tell us step by step..I just rolled my eyes and smiled.
I had a big box and it was full of tissue paper with one that said "keep digging"..ya it was a gift card in there. He thought he was so funny :)
All our stuff, we kept it light this year with the GPS as our big present.
Cant forget what Santa brought me some new shoes :) IN LOVE!
After opened presents to eachother we headed over to my brothers house in Ogden and had a big traditional family breakfast!! Omelets, scones, cinnamon rolls, hashbrowns, fruit, egg nog, and orange juice..I ate TOO much but it was amazing!
My daddy making the yummy scones and omelets
My new apron my aunt gave me, it says "Domestic Diva" with some bling and pink all over it, my favorite! My mom's apron is the one I gave her last year, it says "This is as Merry as I get".
Alex was so excited to show me that Santa brought her a orange, it was cute!
Krista and Jay gave my parents the DVD of all the NCIS seasons, my mom was so excited. She is really obsessed with NCIS. Everytime we go over to there house, its always on TV in there basement.
I think Abee and Alex love Uncle Billy just a little..haha
My sister in law Haylee made us this beautiful picture of the Salt Lake Temple, its tinted with a light pink..its beautiful! Billy loves it too hehe
Our big present! Camperworld Resorts Membership!! My mom got us a cute ornament that says "Happy Camping"! We are both so excited to have this membership and can go to all the resorts in utah all the way up to Bear Lake to Lake Powell. Now..we need a trailer :) Cant wait to have kids and to share camperworld with them like I did all growing up, great traditions!
Billy had already zonked it was only noon! We dont even have kids yet..HAHA
My funny brother
After opening presents with my family we headed over to Billy's parents and opened presents with them. Then we headed over to my grandma and grandpa Walkers house and opened presents with them..at this time we were all tired..
Billy and I headed home after that all took a 1 hour power nap before the big dinner at my parents house.
My mom's cooking is the best! Whoever could make it for dinner came, some went to there inlaws and then met up after for dessert. We then exchanged gifts with my Grandma & Grandpa Sid.
Christmas evening we usually go back over to my grandma walkers house and play card games but my cousins, aunts and uncles were having dinner there so they went ahead and started playing because we were running late. We did stop by though and watch Morgan open her present, she got her wedding quilt. (my grandma makes a beautiful wedding quilt for every grandchild, so since Morg probably wont be getting married soon, they gave it to her..it was special :)
My cute cousin Niccol got me a christmas present, she is so cute! In the extended family she is known as the "princess" and I have always been known as the "queen". I love her to death. It was so thoughtful of her.
Christmas is now come and gone..Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!
I love NCIS too! Ha Ha Ha.
Holy Cow! What a jammed packed, busy day! Glad that it was great.
Cute pictures! Looks like your Christmas was awesome. I think the Camperworld membership is a great idea! And I think you can totally rock those shoes you got - haha! Love it!
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