Monday, December 20, 2010

Walker Christmas Party

Saturday we had our Annual Walker Christmas Party. This year we took a tour up at Shriner's Hospital in Salt Lake. It was great! We then headed to back to the church for a Cafe Rio kind of dinner, yum!! Me and my sister was in charge of the rice and beans. It was an interesting recipes, and it was hilarious trying to find the ingredients at the store. We both were laughing so hard. Who would think that tomato juice would be so funny to find. :)

It called for fresh lime juice. I learned how to get juice out of a lime from Oprah, when she went on her camping trip with her best friend Gayle this last summer. You squeeze with your teeth! :) My sisters were laughing at me so hard. It worked though.

My niece kept saying "grandpa is my elf". It was so cute!

Having a tour at the hospital. Morgan had to be a little kid and play

I learned so much at that Hospital, what a great place for kids getting help.

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