I has been so nice to have the last two weeks off work (paid btw). I thought I would of gotten a lot done around the house, but not really. I played pretty much most of the time. Since Billy only had Christmas Eve off, I didn't really get to do a lot with him, moslty family. Monday we headed into Salt Lake, checked into the Marriott and had a great R & R with my fam. We got two suites so we had plenty of room. I think this is going to be our new family tradition. We were away from life, messy homes, laundry, dishes in the sink, presents all over the house, etc. We went swimming, hot tubbing, lunch at a YUMMY place called Traditions Pub & Grill, lights at Temple Square, watched the Jazz Game in the hotel lobby eating The Pie, played card games, laughed, got stuck in the elevator going to each floor because my little sis would get in the elevator before me and push EVERY level and jump out so I had to go on each floor level (they did this to me TWICE).

We took naps in the afternoon (it was so nice!). Here is my mom fast asleep cudding her pillowpet that Santa brought her.

My nieces are silly. They were getting bored as we waited in the lobby for my other niece Aree to come off the mountain from skiing.

Man do I have cute parents

My camera was about to die so I took this right when it did..turned out pretty
I watched lots of movies the past two weeks ago. Went and saw True Grit with my parents and sisters, Tangled with my sis Krista and went and saw Tron with Billy. At home we rented Salt & Bounty Hunter. I have also been reading a book! Shocking I know, I NEVER have time a read, so since my friend Tami gave me The Hunter Games book for Christmas, I started reading it. I have always wanted to start reading that series but thanks to Tami, I have now :)
The tree is down, the christmas decorations put away..its now time to move on to a new year, new chapter in life.
i know what you mean... never time to read. maybe someday for me! the lights were awesome at temple square this year huh? do you guys stay in a hotel every year? that'd be a pretty cool tradition away from all the chores and christmas bustle. :)
loved this post :) sounds like an awesome tradition to start. i love the afternoon naps! especially with such a cool pillow, he he.
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