to change my blog into Private..I never EVER evvverrr wanted to do this. It looks like a huge pain! But..since I have put a Live traffic feed on my blog, I am having some crazy people from out of the country looking at my blog..countries I have not even heard of! Also, New York, Mexico, Florida, etc. Dont get my wrong, I dont care if people look at my blog but out of the country? Um no..that freaks me out.
So I guess the next step is to ask for your email address so I can send you an invite! I will make it private in a week or two. So Dont be shy, even if I dont know you very well, or not at all that is fine :) I look at blogs that honestly I dont really know the people but love their story.
Love, Megie
me, me, me!! :) claysjen(at)gmail(dot)com. Oh, and if I check your blog from work it'll come up as either nashville tennessee or a random city in new york {I think} haha! So I'm part of the reason :) sorry! But either way please let me see your private blog :)
Pick me! whitneytibbs@gmail.com
Please invite us! mandisanchez11@gmail.com
I need an invite! :) perkins_toddkim@hotmail.com ... that is the same reason I went private, too. I don't exactly know people from Bangladesh, but they were looking at my blog, lol. ;) So I completely understand!
Its xtami_kayx@juno.com -
Thanks meggie!
The New York blog traffic is me! :) Love staying caught up with the Boehm's! ms.kaitny@yahoo.com
xoxo Kaitlyn
Hey Megan,
I might seem like a crazy, checking in from Baltimore. :)
i want to keep up on you guys! :) miken 1818(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Its the way they go- andreadustin at gmail.com.
could I have an invite? I am the one from Nevada!
angiegines@yahoo.com. Thanks Meg :)
Princesschick0907@hotmail.com I would love an invite
i would love to have an invite.
(Allie Passey Cooper)
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