Monday, November 1, 2010


My parents had their Annual Halloween Party this year. The last couple years they have been up at the condo in Island Park so I was excited. Billy and I dressed up this year and had a fun time being with family and friends.

My mom made homemade donuts..they were amazing!

My mom in her costumer..kind of a costume..

I did dry ice in root beer, it was yum, the slush after craving it right now.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween, we sure did! I ate too much :)


kim said...

Mmmm... dry ice in root beer, AND homemade donuts!? Your family really knows how to party. I love your costume. How hilarious is that! You should be the new Flo. :)

Miken said...

megan that is what i was last year! cool :) i love it. you look awesome!