This long weekend has been so fun to relax and spend time with my hubby and family. Wednesday Billy didn't have to work either because of the snow storm so we spent the whole day together, it was so nice. We have not done that in a very long time. We rented lots of movies and stayed home pretty much all day watching them.
This years Thanksgiving was the ON year for the Walker Family Thanksgiving so we had it at my parents church. It was fun to all get together and eat, eat and eat some more.
We had a room with the football game. Brought in the couches from the churchs entry way..good idea eh?
Their was SOO much food, it was crazy!
My aunt made the cutiest little treats. FYI, she has an amazing recipe blog,
My cousin Niccol, she is my black friday shopping partner. She has been on her mission so I was so happy this year to go shopping with her.
Preparing for our Black Friday shopping. Tradition ya know! :) This year though we went to Shopko after the family party and got amazing deals. We got their about 45 minutes before they closed and their was probably only like 10 people in the store, it was great! I need to remember that for next year. Also, Thursday morning Billy was at Kmart at 5am and stood in line for a hour to get his own Christmas present. He got his GPS system for super cheap!
We had a great Black Friday shopping. I didn't really need anything this year so I just went for the fun and got little things. I just wanted to get Billy's GPS system but since he got it Thursday morning I was not stressed. We had a great yummy breakfast after our shopping and my little sisters new house she bought the week before. I am super excited for her. I love the inside, its sooo pretty. Im helping her decorate the place, she has hired me (for free of course) to decorate.
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for a warm house to live in. With this very cold weather lately it makes me so thankful when I walk in my house everyday. I am thankful for my job, and Billy's job. I am thankful for amazing family that I have, and am thankful for the little friends that I have and trust. Thank you! Now lets the Christmas Season begin!!
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