I just got back from a fantastic Women's Conference this weekend. Last year was the first time they came to Salt Lake. It was fantastic, so I was sure looking forward to going again. This year it had doubled in people. You could tell the word had gone around about them coming to SL. There were about 4,000 ladies this year. The theme for the conference was "We Hope All Things" -Article of Faith 13.
The Conference started off last night. Virginia Hinckley Pearce & Heidi Swinton (who wrote President Monson's book) spoke to us. It was fantastic! Sister Swinton told us the funniest and serious stories about President Monson's life. I couldn't believe what she went through to write his book. I cant imagine! She had to read EVERY conference talk he ever spoke, all his 45 journals, books and books of letters he has kept from people (he loves telling stories as we all know), interview everyone he knew in the last 70+ years, and bring it into a book. WOW, the lord was helping her out. I cant wait to read that book!! Also, the musical speaker was Dallyn Bayles. I have never heard of him before this but wow, he is amazing. His voice just blew me away. He is traveling across the US in Broadway shows and has lots of great talent.
Last year when we went to TOFW, we got a hotel and all stayed in the same room. This year we did get a hotel but got two rooms because their were 9 of us. Last year we didn't get much sleep, and this year was pretty much the same. When you're with our group, we laugh so hard and their is always a story. Like last night... I had to document this because I dont EVER want to forget it.
Last night after the conference, we all wanted a treat. So we headed to Maverick by our hotel to get Krispy Creme donuts and Hot chocolate. Well its in a pretty scary part of town and it was late. We all were very hyper going into this situation (not good). While I was waiting for everyone to buy stuff, I headed back to my aunts SUV. I told her to give me the keys so I could get in. She told me that it was unlocked. Well as I proceeded to the car, my other aunt and grandma were already in the car... well all of a sudden I try to open it and the alarm just starts BLARING sooo loud! When I tried to open the car, the alarm was set off and the car locked up. My aunt and grandma were locked in and they couldn't get out, and I couldn't get in HAHA! I started laughing soo hard, my aunt and grandma were dying in their laughing, and I lost it. I started to cross my legs because I had to go the bathroom soo bad. (If you know us Walkers, we pee our pants a lot when we all get together). So I am screaming because I have to go so bad, the alarm is still going, people are looking at me thinking I am trying to break into this car. Im trying to get my cell phone out of my purse while trying to concentrate not to pee. Well all of a sudden I just fall to the ground laughing. I just sit on the ground next to the car (alarm STILL going) and I can't stop laughing. All of a sudden I see this dark shadow behind me coming towards me. It was a man. I really thought he was coming to steal my purse and rape me. All of a suddent I open my eyes and he says "Ma'am are you ok!?" I look up and its a cop! Now remember my aunt and grandma are in the car watching this whole thing laughing and the alarm STILL going off. I was laughing so hard I just said "Im just peeing my pants and I cant get in my aunts car". He just stared at me and said "Have a good night ma'am" And he walked away. It was sooo funny. Right then my aunt that OWNS the car walks out of MAVERICK laughing so hard because she can see me on the floor dying laughing, a cop walking away, the alarm still going off. She just loses it..she stands in front of Mavericks front door and crosses her legs. By this time I am screaming at her to help me. She is now concentrating on not peeing HER pants. End of the story, I peed, my aunt peed, and my aunt that was stuck in the car peed. It's always a story with us :)
Today the conference started at 9am and we wanted good seats so we got their about 8am. Hillary Weeks was the Musical Speaker today. She was also last year's, and of course she was great! Brad Wilcox, Linda Eyre, Shawni Pothier, Mariama Kallon, Amanda Dickson, and Emily Freeman spoke. They were all AMAZING! I took a couple notes that I wanted to take out of the conference;
*Get out of the business of competition. (LOVED this Quote!)
*What is our definition of successful life?
*Five Secrets for Parenthood
-Be your own kind of best mom
-Have an infrastructure
-Have a "family" mission statement
-Give your kids ownership
-Formalize family traditions
-Teach kids to work
*Five Reasons to HOPE
-To love life and see good days, change your perspective
-To see a good day, list what you love
-Give your heart a great experience
-To see a good day, remember the special days.
-To see a good day, determine a reason for the HOPE that is in you.
It was so fun spending time with my sisters, mom, aunts, cousin, grandma, and step-grandma. I love them so much and am so grateful to be so close to them. We are all like sisters.
It was so nice of my little sis to meet up with us for lunch.
I feel refreshed and rejuvinated. Guess its back to the world again.
Ha ha ha! This made me laugh for reals. I knew the story was going to end with someone peeing their pants. Also, your makeup is so pretty in these!
This is a a awesome story. I was laughing myself. You ladies always have a great time together. You guys look great!
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