Sunday, July 3, 2011

Echo..Flooding..New Plan..Soapstone

Last weekend we went up to Echo's Camperworld to spend the weekend with the fam. We heard it had been flooding up at Camperworld but it was still open so we headed up anyway. Billy and I got up there after work on Friday and set up our tent right in time for dinner. Most of my family was already up there so as we set up our camp, they made our dinner's for us. Yummy tin foil dinners :) I am glad my mom caved in and said we could do them, she hates them for some reason haha.

Poor Alex was so sunburned she just sat in that chair all evening long, very quiet. I felt so bad for her.

This weekend really made me realize that my little (not so little anymore) niece Aree isn't a little girl anymore, she is almost a teenager.
After dinner we headed over to the pond and watched Aree go fishing with her cute pink fishing rod. We didn't catch any fish but we had a fun time watching her try.

I've always wanted to learn how to fish but my dad does not fish so I think that's why I never have. My brother does so maybe I will ask him..I need a pink fishing rod now ;)
That evening around the campfire we roasted some new marshmallows that I brought up. They were flat, and wow were they good! They cooked so fast, so by the time I realized I had about 10 of them haha.

Alex was still so unhappy so she just snuggled with her grandpy.

The next morning we headed over to the pool so soak up some sun.

After swimming, my allergies got so bad so I went into the tent and took some medicine and fell asleep with a washcloth over my eyes. I woke up to a man in our campsite telling everyone that we had to evacuate because the flooding was getting worse. We had to be out in less then two hours. Time for Plan B..

We headed over to Kamus so Soapstone. My dad camped there as a child all the time and always wanted to take us all. I didn't realize it was "real camping" till I got there. I knew I wasn't at Camperworld anymore when the camp table had a huge sign on it that said there is bears there. Then a little awhile later a man that worked there said they have seen two bears, a mom and a little baby. I started to freak out. By the time we got there and set up camp again it was starting to get dark.

Who takes there pink luggage camping? I DO!
My parents, brother and sister in law and nieces were in the trailor but Billy and I were in our tent. Lets just say it was a LONNNNGG night for me. Half the night my mind was playing tricks on me, how I was going to die and every noise I heard I sat straight up.
The next morning we went exploring and went on a little hike.

Happy Camping!


Tami said...

"I knew I wasn't at Camperworld anymore" made me laugh. Ha! Also, you are looking SKINNY my dear!!

Andrea said...

I love reading all your family posts- what is it about camping that creates a bond? I'm just glad the bears didn't get you...

Lianne said...

Family camping is so fun! Looks like you guys had a good time - despite having to move.