I had Friday off so I slept in and then went over to my grandma's pool relaxed and got some sun. When Billy got off work we got some dinner and headed over to Bountiful's theatre to see Transformers 3D. We were all sitting there waiting for it to start when all of a suddent the fire alarm went off. Everyone in the theatre just sat there thinking it was a joke when all of a sudden the fire alarm got louder and said "there is a fire in the building". Thats when a man said "come on everyone! This is how people die, SAME SEATS BACK". It was hilar, so we all headed outside. We had to wait for the firetruck to come and check it out. I guess the popcorn machine burned or something. The theatre workers were giving out free tickets to come back so a lot of people left. We had nothing else to do so we just waited and watched. I am so glad we did because about 20 minutes later they let everyone back in and we didn't miss a second of the movie :). Good Times!
Saturday, my cute cousin Connor was in a play at the Centerpoint Legacy Theatre called The Emporer's New Clothes. He was the emporer, he was too cute.
Sunday we had a big birthday party at my parents house for Morgan and my niece Alex. We had my dad's amazing dutch oven lasagna. We also had a big sleepover with everyone in my parents backyard.
Me and the birthday girl (my mini me)
Alex showing off her new swimsuit that us aunts and uncles gave her. Shes so cute!
Kels showing off the circus tent.
Billy trying out his night glasses machine. Hes so funny.
In the morning when I woke up, Billy was gone, he went home (we live like a mile away from my parents house), Krista was in the house downstairs in bed, Morgan was with her, I got in bed with my mom in her room. It was pretty funny.
We had a big breakfast and cleaned up the backyard. No parade this year, no Centerville parade like we do EVERY year, no Kaysville parade which we haven't gone in like 7 years and NEVER will again. We went home, took a 2 hour nap :) and got ready for the day and headed over to my uncles house for a fun day!
We had a BBQ and played there for over 5 hours. My bro and sis in law went to the REAL soccer game so Billy and I watched my two nieces the rest of the time.
Billy drove the minivan around, had to take a picture of him doing it. He looked so cute :)
We went back to our house and Abee fell asleep so Billy stayed inside with her while me and Alex went and watched the Kaysville fireworks. The side of my house was perfect place to see them. We might start doing that instead of watching it at the church on Main Street.
What a fun Fourth of July for us!
I love the 4th! Looks like you had a blast!
I love that tent!!!! Makes me think of trek.
I'm glad someone else out there thinks the Kaysville parade is INSANE. The 4th is the greatest! Glad you had fun!
i love that billy had gone home by the time you woke up. haha... sounds like something my husband would do. looks like you had a fun 4th. you have something against the kaysville parade? what the heck megan!
I want to relive the 4th.. But uh, your version:)
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! It was fun spending time with you guys at Layne's. The 4th is definitely one of my favorite holidays!
Looks like fun. . . but you Walker's always know how to party! My sis in law went to the Kaysville parade and she left early, after 2 hours! Crazy!
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