Sunday, September 25, 2011

First weekend of Fall

This weekend was the first weekend of Fall. I sure do love Fall, but I do not like what comes after it... WINTER. This was a fun filled weekend with lots of fun ladies' activities and had a blast each day.
Friday we headed to Gardner Village with my sister, mom, and friends. We ate at Archibalds and walked around and shopped. They had all of their Halloween stuff out so it was great to see all their cute stuff.

My mom and her addiction to desserts.

My shopping partners for the day!

Helping the witch pull the handcart.

Witch with big boobs, had to take a picture with it.

Saturday morning I headed over to Morgan's house and us girls made two different kinds of freezer meals. We have been getting some great ideas off Pinterest (addicting) so we want to make a tradition of making freezer meals as much as we can. Yesterday we made Breakfast burritos & Vegetarian Burritos. (Recipes will be on our new family blog SOON).

We had a good system down.

Between the two different kinds of burritos, we had a total of about 120 burritos. Yum!
Saturday evening was the General Relief Society Broadcast. I love getting with my family members and going each 6 months to listen to our amazing leaders. This time we meet up with my aunts, grandma, sister, and my friend at El Matador before the broadcast started. President Dieter F Uchtforf was the last speaker and WOW was he amazing. I always say after he speaks that it can't get any better and I am always mistaken. I really feel that talk was just for me. I love him so much and the spirit that he shares.

After the broadcast we headed to my aunts gym at the church and had a cupcake party. Of course when you get all of us together, there is always lots of laughter.

Again, this is what we do..laugh that we start crying.

My aunts and I, can you tell I am a Walker? HA


I am so gratful for being so close to my sisters and mom. Lately I have had different people say to me "you are so lucky to be so close to your sisters". I AM lucky, but most importantly, blessed. I am blessed to have such great relationships with my two aunts Laurie and MaryAnn.
I had a fun weekend with my favorite ladies in my life and look forward to a relaxing next weekend listening to our prophet and apostles.


Tami said...

I am so excited for conference too!! I didn't realize it was so close. Love the pics of Gardner's Village. That place gets cuter every year.

The Miller's said...

Sorry I missed the freezer burritos. You guys are such an awesome family. The recipe blog is such a great idea! I always wished I had sisters and reading this makes me sad I don't! :) I have sister in laws which is close! I'm definately going to make a trip to Gardner Village.

Amylee said...

You are indeed very very blessed. I'm glad that you RECOGNIZE that- so many people don't. I love all of your different family traditions. And the witch with the boobs is hysterical.