Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dinner with friends

Last week I got together with some close friends to celebrate some birthdays and to catch up with eachother. We had such a great time, I think we were their for over two hours just chit-chating. It was a crazy summer so I didn't really see any of them all summer so we all had a lot of catching up to do. I love just laughing with them and talking about pretty much nothing and telling funny stories together. I always say life is going to slow down but I dont think it will. I dont get to see them that much but I know they are always there for me when I need them. So hopefully we all can get together MORE often. These group of girls are amazing and I look up to each of them. They are strong, outgoing, go-getter woman. I think thats why we all get along so well. Love you girls!!
P.S. Just taking a picture of all of us was like pulling teeth for them :P

I had to post the next picture, it was hilarious! I love Lynds to death, I can always tease with her and she totally "gets me". Not a lot of people do. Dont kill my Lynds for posting hehe

1 comment:

* said...

had so much fun w you awesome girls!!! haven't laughed that long in a while. and we ate your salsa in less than 2 days!! haha. soooo good. that pic turned out better than i though it would :) love you!!!